Author Guidelines

Each author must follow the article writing guidelines set by REFILKOM : Journal of Technology and Information Systems, namely:

A. General Requirements

Minimum standard requirements that must be followed by authors in submitting scientific articles to REFILKOM : Journal of Technology and Information Systems:

  1. The content of the article is written in English (preferred) or Indonesian.
  2. The length of the submitted article is at least 5 (five) pages excluding references and no more than 15 (fifteen) pages excluding references.
  3. Submitted articles must use IEEE-style Mendeley as a reference management tool.
  4. Ensure that your article has been prepared by following the rules in the REFILKOM : Journal of Technology and Information Systems article template.

B. Article Writing Structure

Articles submitted by authors must be prepared and are advised to follow the article writing structure below:

  1. Title: The title of the article is no more than 10 words, without abbreviations or acronyms.
  2. Author Name: The author's name does not include a title or position.
  3. Author Affiliation: The author's affiliation is indicated by the Affiliation Name, City, and Country.
  4. Author Email: Authors must include at least a correspondence email, or email from all authors of the article.
  5. Abstract: The maximum abstract is made with 250 words without citations, the contents of the abstract must consist of research objectives, research methods, research results, and contributions from the results of the research that has been carried out. Authors are required to attach 3 (three) to 5 (five) keywords to the abstract.
  6. Section Structure: The author must present the content of the article with several sections, namely: Introduction, Research Methods, Results and Discussion, and Conclusion.
  7. References: The submitted article must have at least 15 references cited from 80% international journal articles published within the last 5 years and 20% from books published in the last 10 years/e-books published in the last 10 years/articles from trusted websites with a maximum publication of the last 5 years.

For more detailed information, please contact the contacts listed on the REFILKOM : Journal of Technology and Information Systems website.