Peer Review Process

Peer Review Process

Articles that have been submitted by authors to REFILKOM : Journal of Technology and Information Systems will be reviewed in the following stages:

  1. First stage: The editor reviews the article submitted by the author, which is called the initial review by the editor. The submitted article will be evaluated whether the article is suitable for REFILKOM : Journal of Technology and Information Systems based on the focus and scope, plagiarism score using turnitin, and the suitability of the article template determined by REFILKOM : Journal of Technology and Information Systems.
  2. Second stage: Articles will be sent to at least 2 (two) anonymous reviewers.
  3. Third stage: The results of the reviews or comments provided by the anonymous reviewers are sent by the editorial team to the authors for follow-up and response. Then the editor makes the final decision for the article that has been revised by the author according to the anonymous reviewers' comments.
  4. Fourth stage: The editor sends the final decision to the corresponding author.
  5. Final stage: Accepted articles then proceed to the copyediting and layout editing process to prepare a ready-to-use paper.

Review Outcomes

Utilising feedback from the peer review process, the Editor will make the final publication decision. The review process will take approximately 30 days to 90 days. The decision categories of the review process are:

  1. Rejected articles: Rejected articles will not be published, and authors will not have the opportunity to resubmit a revised version of the article to REFILKOM : Journal of Technology and Information Systems.
  2. Resubmit articles for review: The article that has been submitted by the author needs to be revised, but with significant changes, the article can be accepted. The review process will be conducted in the second stage after the author resubmits the revised article in accordance with the suggestions provided by the anonymous reviewers.
  3. Article accepted with revisions: Articles that receive this decision will be published in REFILKOM : Journal of Technology and Information Systems with the condition that the author is required to make minor or major modifications. Revisions that have been made by the author will be reviewed by the editorial team to ensure the necessary improvements are made before the article is published.
  4. Article accepted: Accepted articles will be published without any modifications.